Thursday, November 15, 2007

I Love Bathtime!!!

I mean, how could you not when you're looking at this cute thing splashing around?

Again, these pictures were taken with the video camera so the quality is terrible. Still, isn't he just so DANG CUTE???? I'm so thankful that the colic has passed (it took five months) because look at this cute thing that was left in it's place. I'm now starting to experience the absolute JOYS of motherhood. I'm sorry that it took five months to get there and I'm sorry for having such guilty feelings consisting of hating motherhood. It was just a hard time. But I love him so much. I thank Heavenly Father every day for this miracle (even if I did feel like killing him a few times :> ) !!!

My dog is completely all brown and she LOVES to get into everyones face and kiss them like crazy. She's appropriately named Hershey. So, here's Hershey giving Kashton "Hershey kisses." Gross...but still very cute. He thinks it's very funny. Hershey loves Kashton and protects him very well. We always see her laying underneath Kashton's crib when he's taking a nap. Also, (annoyingly enough) she barks whenever anyone drives by, walks by, or comes up to the house. Such a sweet dog.

Us just being cute and sillly!! I have the best husband...even though he wears ugly hats!!!


Anonymous said...

I am so happy to hear that the colic has passed. My baby was born last Friday, and I can only imagine what you must have gone through. I don't think I would have handled it as well. Thank God you no longer have to deal with that, and everything after that will feel like smooth sailing. Seriously, if you can get through 5 months of colic, you can handle anything that comes your way. Your baby is beautiful. Keep posting pictures!


Anonymous said...

Kashton is so darling. I am glad to hear that you are doing well!! I think of you often.
Love Rachel Anderton

Danielle said...

Now he is replaced by a smiling baby! Thank goodness huh? You can see how some mothers go a little crazy

Nancy K said...

I love when they suck their toes and yes bath time is the best-we think of our bath as our own personal swimming pool-when my kids are bored I have them hop in!

Brooke said...

I love bathtime pictures! I'm happy for you that he's happy. 5 months is SUCH a great age. Enjoy! :)