Day 6:
Our last day of vacation!!! This is the motel we stayed in. It was very small and cold, but quaint and they gave us free cookies, hot cocoa, and tea every night. BONUS!!!!
This is the original Hotel Nauvoo and it's still very close to it's original form. It was very cool and old inside. I loved it.
I wish we could've stayed one more day in Nauvoo. I need to go back there with my mom and dad. I inherited my love for things like this from them. Cameron was very sweet and "grinned and barred it." He's just SO not into this kind of stuff. So we really didn't tour any of these buildings. Mainly because of time and because I didn't want to annoy Cameron. But we drove up and down the streets and looked at them and I got some pictures.
This is Wilford Woodruff's House!
This is Heber C. Kimball's home!!
This is the Cultural Hall!
The Printing Office and the Post Office (I think) and John Taylors home is between them. I thought that was unusual that he chose to have his home joined to these two buildings instead of having a private home somewhere else in Nauvoo.
John Taylor's Home
Brigham Young's home! We did walk through this one. I loved it! I thought it was so fascinating.
All these cute horses came and visited with us! That's the Seventies Hall behind the pasture.
We had an apple in the car so we cut it up and taught Kashton how to feed a horse. He wasn't a bit afraid. This horse was SO sweet!!
This is a model of the ferries that took the pioneers across the Mississippi!!
The water lilies on the Mississippi!
This was Joseph Smith's Red Brick Store. I wish we could've toured these buildings. They're owned by the RLDS (Community of Christ) church.
This was the Smith family homestead. I was so intrigued with this building. This is where the Smith family lived....WOW!! So cool!!! In the bottom right hand corner is the gravestone (marker) for Hyrum, Joseph, and Emma. I can't remember if they're REALLY buried here or not. I know the bodies were moved alot.
A view from the Smith Family Cemetary! Those are Joseph Smith Sr. and Lucy Mack's headstones.
Front view of the homestead!!
The Nauvoo House!! Really wish I could've toured this!
We left Nauvoo around 11 AM and drove to Carthage because I REALLY wanted to see the jail. This was the actual jail cell that they were held in. When the jailer found out a mob was coming, he moved Joseph Smith and his other companions to the jailers personal quarters.
This is the actual door and bullet hole where Hyrum was killed.
This was the room where the martyrdom took place. It was hard to hold back the tears. The spirit was amazing. However, my little boy was a little hyper (as any toddler would be) and that distracted me enough from completely breaking down. :)
This is Wilford Woodruff's House!
Wow! Looks like a great trip! I bet it was nice to get a few days off :)
Next time come to SLC! Kashton looks so big!
Wow I love all the pictures! It looks like your trip was great! That's definitely one trip we'd like to make some time! Kashton is getting so big, he's as cute as ever :)
I't looks like you guys had a great trip.. Someday we would like to get there.
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