Day 2:
I was kind of nerdy when we got up the next morning. I LOVE to visit new cities...especially if I've never seen them before.
This was the view from our hotel room. I loved how you could see Lake Michigan and all the sailboats from our window.
We went to Shedd Aquarium first thing in the morning and this was the view from the Aquarium.
Playing at the Aquarium.
He liked the sea otters!!
A fantastic view of the city from the Aquarium.
After the Aquarium, we walked over to the Field Museum. Kashton fell asleep in his stroller, so we took advantage of looking at the more "boring," grown-up stuff. Personally, I liked the museum more than the aquarium. (That's me and the stroller in front of that MASSIVE building)
The museum was having a special Pirate exhibit. We didn't go to it because it cost extra money...but hey, at least I got to make out with a pirate!!! What better way to spend the day??
The front of the museum!!
Look familiar??? Yeah, this is how intelligent I am. Once we had already LEFT the museum, I was told it was the same museum from Night At the Museum. I'm a genius in the making. :(
More pirates jumping down on us....SCARY!!
Us being dumb. We're probably not suppose to be sitting on this exhibit, but Cameron has his fantasies....

Another illegal move!! Cameron posing with his "homies." Glad we didn't get kicked out of the museum.
Cameron laying on the giant map in the foyer. Pointing to where he went on his mission (Taipei,Taiwan). Aaaaww, it's like being in the MTC all over again!!!
My FAVORITE part of the museum. I've always been fascinated with Ancient Egypt. I thought this was so cool: An example of a family tomb. Those are real mummies in there. Look at the little infant...that broke my heart.
A real mummy...SO COOL!!! A young boy!
So, I thought this was interesting. A tomb for the animals. These are mummified pets: falcons, eagles, cats, etc.
Kashton woke up from his nap (he had a MAJOR blow-out which explains his lack of clothing) and he was afraid of the pirate. Daddy was trying to help him not be afraid...however...I'm not sure what he was doing here. Daddy, what are you teaching your son????
Some street performers. These guys were AWESOME!!! They were promoting "Don't Do Drugs" which explains the red they're wearing. Yup, they're doing exactly what it looks like. Two guys holding one guy upside-down by his shoulders, and the other guy jumped and did a flip inbetween the upside-down dude's legs. So cool!!
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