Day 5:
It seemed so surreal to me to be in Nauvoo. It's a place that I've ALWAYS wanted to see. I use to study the history in college and have always been fascinated with this city. I was non stop smiling the entire time and (nerdy enough) holding back tears.
This was the view from the top looking down at the Mississippi!!

A view looking down Mullholland Drive.

The General Merchandise store.

That first morning in Nauvoo, Cameron and I had arranged to do a session in the temple. There is a lady in Nauvoo who's CALLING is to babysit so visitors can do a session. So, we left Kashton with this sweet lady and we did a session. It was INCREDIBLE!!!! It was one of the most beautiful temples that I've been in, I LOVED it!

Our little man getting in touch with his pioneer roots!!!


We went on a wagon ride later in the afternoon!

This was the exact spot where the pioneers loaded their belongings onto the ferries and left Nauvoo. It was hard to hold back the tears.

There was just SO much to do in so LITTLE time. We didn't really get much accomplished in Nauvoo. That night we went and saw a show called "Nauvoo Rendevous." Which was a funny show on SO MANY accounts. :) It was performed by all the Senior Missionaries. The battery on our camera died, so I didn't get any pictures. Cameron's favorite part of the show was the older men in the show that had no clue what the lyrics or the choreography was. I loved it. I thought it was so endearing.
We found this custard place called Annie's Custard that had the yummiest custard. We went there every night and made friends with the ladies there. Everyone was so friendly and personal there. We exchanged phone numbers and they said they'd come see our show in Branson. I hope they call....
Stay tuned for our FINAL day...
1 comment:
What a fun family trip! I've always wanted to go to Nauvoo... someday :)
PS your little guy is adorable
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