Saturday, September 19, 2009

Day 6: Chicago/ Nauvoo Vacation

Day 6:
Our last day of vacation!!! This is the motel we stayed in. It was very small and cold, but quaint and they gave us free cookies, hot cocoa, and tea every night. BONUS!!!! This is the original Hotel Nauvoo and it's still very close to it's original form. It was very cool and old inside. I loved it.
I wish we could've stayed one more day in Nauvoo. I need to go back there with my mom and dad. I inherited my love for things like this from them. Cameron was very sweet and "grinned and barred it." He's just SO not into this kind of stuff. So we really didn't tour any of these buildings. Mainly because of time and because I didn't want to annoy Cameron. But we drove up and down the streets and looked at them and I got some pictures.

This is Wilford Woodruff's House!
This is Heber C. Kimball's home!!
This is the Cultural Hall!
The Printing Office and the Post Office (I think) and John Taylors home is between them. I thought that was unusual that he chose to have his home joined to these two buildings instead of having a private home somewhere else in Nauvoo.
John Taylor's Home
Brigham Young's home! We did walk through this one. I loved it! I thought it was so fascinating.
All these cute horses came and visited with us! That's the Seventies Hall behind the pasture.
We had an apple in the car so we cut it up and taught Kashton how to feed a horse. He wasn't a bit afraid. This horse was SO sweet!!
This is a model of the ferries that took the pioneers across the Mississippi!!
The water lilies on the Mississippi!
This was Joseph Smith's Red Brick Store. I wish we could've toured these buildings. They're owned by the RLDS (Community of Christ) church.
This was the Smith family homestead. I was so intrigued with this building. This is where the Smith family lived....WOW!! So cool!!! In the bottom right hand corner is the gravestone (marker) for Hyrum, Joseph, and Emma. I can't remember if they're REALLY buried here or not. I know the bodies were moved alot.
A view from the Smith Family Cemetary! Those are Joseph Smith Sr. and Lucy Mack's headstones.
Front view of the homestead!!
The Nauvoo House!! Really wish I could've toured this!
We left Nauvoo around 11 AM and drove to Carthage because I REALLY wanted to see the jail. This was the actual jail cell that they were held in. When the jailer found out a mob was coming, he moved Joseph Smith and his other companions to the jailers personal quarters.
This is the actual door and bullet hole where Hyrum was killed.
This was the room where the martyrdom took place. It was hard to hold back the tears. The spirit was amazing. However, my little boy was a little hyper (as any toddler would be) and that distracted me enough from completely breaking down. :)
This was by the front door. It says it's "From Nauvoo Temple." I thought that was really neat.
The jail was at the top of the stairs and the jailers quarters are to the right.
The outside view of the front of the jail.
A view of the window and courtyard where Joseph was killed.
Our happy family....because of these two men!!!
What a fantastic vacation we had. After Carthage we drove the 8 hours back to Branson. We had a GREAT time and Kashton was FANTASTIC!!! We need to take more family vacations together. Thanks for letting me share with you all, hope you enjoyed it.

Day 5: Chicago/ Nauvoo Vacation

Day 5:
It seemed so surreal to me to be in Nauvoo. It's a place that I've ALWAYS wanted to see. I use to study the history in college and have always been fascinated with this city. I was non stop smiling the entire time and (nerdy enough) holding back tears.
This was the view from the top looking down at the Mississippi!!
A view looking down Mullholland Drive.
The General Merchandise store.

That first morning in Nauvoo, Cameron and I had arranged to do a session in the temple. There is a lady in Nauvoo who's CALLING is to babysit so visitors can do a session. So, we left Kashton with this sweet lady and we did a session. It was INCREDIBLE!!!! It was one of the most beautiful temples that I've been in, I LOVED it!
Our little man getting in touch with his pioneer roots!!!


We went on a wagon ride later in the afternoon!
This was the exact spot where the pioneers loaded their belongings onto the ferries and left Nauvoo. It was hard to hold back the tears.

There was just SO much to do in so LITTLE time. We didn't really get much accomplished in Nauvoo. That night we went and saw a show called "Nauvoo Rendevous." Which was a funny show on SO MANY accounts. :) It was performed by all the Senior Missionaries. The battery on our camera died, so I didn't get any pictures. Cameron's favorite part of the show was the older men in the show that had no clue what the lyrics or the choreography was. I loved it. I thought it was so endearing.
We found this custard place called Annie's Custard that had the yummiest custard. We went there every night and made friends with the ladies there. Everyone was so friendly and personal there. We exchanged phone numbers and they said they'd come see our show in Branson. I hope they call....
Stay tuned for our FINAL day...

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Day 4: Chicago/ Nauvoo Vacation

Day 4:

This was just a cute picture I left out of the last post. This was at the Indian restaurant!
Our last day in Chicago, we just walked up and down the "Magnificent Mile" and saw all the stores. I forced Cameron to go into the American Girl doll store. :) I LOVED these when I was younger. Kirsten was my first doll and I still have her. I also have the Samantha doll but she wasn't in the store anywhere. I asked a lady why they didn't have Samantha and she said that she had been "archived." I wonder if that means she'll be worth alot of money one day. I had to get a picture in front of the collection!

An old cathedral. I love old churches.

This was outside of the cathedral and I thought it was gorgeous.

A huge fountain that Cameron SHOULD NOT have been up on. I kept waiting for the police to chase us down.

A rare picture of just me and Cameron!
We took the four hour drive to Nauvoo and this was as we were crossing the Mississippi River. I was amazed at how HUGE it was. I've seen the Mississippi River in St. Louis, but this seemed like triple the size. It was incredible.

Snapped a quick picture while driving by. :)
That was the end of Day 4 for us!!
Stay tuned for a fantastic two days in Nauvoo.....