Well, I haven't written in a LONG TIME!!! Something that I would like to work on. I feel like I always have so many pictures to share and so many things I'd like to talk about. Now that I'm not working, maybe I'll have more time to do this.
I wanted to share some fun pictures and thoughts on Easter.
We found this nest in our yard. It's the first time I've seen such YOUNG birds!! They look like they're only hours old. It seemed so appropriate for this time of year.
Easter represents the Atonement of Jesus Christ. His resurrection and remission of sins. New Life!!!
Momma feeding her babies!!
Kashton was SO cute. He crawled into our bed early this morning and said "Mommy, I've already looked every where for my Easter Basket and I can't find it anywhere. I looked in the closets and in the curtains and I can't find it." Talk about making my heart melt. It was the first thing on his mind when he woke up.
Being the mean mommy that I am, I told him that maybe the bunny didn't come because Kashton wasn't a good enough boy. WOW!!! The puckered lip that I saw. I asked Kashton to help me with some laundry and do you know what???? That darn Easter Bunny put the basket in the dryer. What a cleaver little bunny!
**Yesterday I was driving Kashton to his Primary activity and I was explaining the Atonement, Cruxifiction, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ to him. I explained that Jesus died to atone for our sins so that we might live with him again. After a few moments of silence, Kashton said: "So, Mommy, does that mean that we'll get to see Jamison again and will he give me a high five." I started to cry very hard in the car while Kashton continued to say "when we go to Utah again will we see him?" Well....he almost got it. But what a humbling experience that was for me. I was so upset that Kashton wasn't able to go hunting for Easter Eggs, I needed my 4 year old to remind me of the TRUE meaning of Easter. "Out of the mouth of babes..."
**Kashton was asked to give a talk in Primary today about Jesus Christ. So, over the past few days we've been telling him the story of Easter in the hopes that he could tell it to his Primary class. So I said: "Kashton, can you tell me the story of Easter? I want to hear you say it now."
Kashton: "Once upon a time, the Easter Bunny came to our house. And so did Jesus. Then there was a huge GIANT that came and killed the Easter Bunny. The End."
**ME: "Kashton, can you say 'I'm grateful for the Resurrection of Jesus Christ' "
KASHTON: "I'm grateful for the erection of Jesus Christ"
HAAA!!! HAAA!!!! SO unappropriate, but SO funny!!!
**Kashton sang with the Primary during Sacarment meeting. He ran so fast up to the stand and started to wave to everyone and blowing kisses. What a HAM!!!
**During Sacarment, I was telling him again (still working on his talk for Primary) about when we die, we can live with Jesus again. I said: "Isn't that SO cool that we can live with Jesus again. Do you want to live with Him."
Kashton: "No!! I don't want to do that. I want to just stay with you and Daddy."
SO CUTE!!! I love him!!
I'm so grateful for my Savior and that I will live with Him again some day and be with all my loved ones again (Jamison, Sterling, Natasha, Grandmas and Grandpas, Aunts and Uncles, etc) How blessed I am to have this knowledge in my life and the Gospel of Jesus Christ!!
What a handsome little man you have! I cannot believe how big he is now! He grew a foot since I last saw pictures!
So glad you finally updated your blog, Your family is so cute and handsome. Love ya
I'm very happy to see your blog updated! I love your pictures and your family is wonderful. You're such a sweet mom! But how about Carlie's blog? :( I didn't saw new pictures since june. I miss her blog!
your blog is very nice and full of enjoyment.
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