Sorry Mom!!! This post is long over-due. Here are all the pictures of the crazy flooding we've had here. Because of the property that has been lost and damaged, Missouri is in a state of "disaster" right now. It's really quite sad. This is Lake Taneycomo. See the home underwater?

All the floodgates are open!

The walking trail by the Showboat is completely underwater. We went walking on it yesterday (a month later) and after a significant drop in water levels, it's STILL under water.

Kashton LOVED the flooding and the rain. A week before the rain, he was riding his bike on this trail. He kept saying "Oh my gosh mommy, where am I going to ride my bike?"

This is the ramp where the Ride The Ducks go down. The water is all the way up to the bus parking lot.

You probably recognize the gate and road that we normally walk down to load the boat. All completely under water.

He was honestly concerned how Daddy got to work. He thought he had to swim out to the Showboat.

I feel bad that the Showboat grounds lost A LOT of mulch. There was mulch floating EVERY WHERE.

The water is INCHES from flooding into the stores.

Water all the way to the top of the stairs.

You can see how they raised the ramp to the top level. Notice the ramp is going UP!!

A view from the Showboat.

The stairs that lead down to the bottom level. The water is at the top.

The ramps that take you to the Showboat.

The ramp now attached to the observation deck on the second level.

The ramp again. The water is covering the light posts.

A walkway that leads from the Administration building to the The Crews Nest. I've never seen the water that high.

In front of the floodgates.

The RV park that's off to the side of the Taneycomo bridge.

The water is all the way up to the road, completely covering a parking lot. (This picture was taken from the car)

The parking lot at Branson Landing.

Can't get to the Fish House for dinner. :)

There SHOULD be a boat dock attached to the Fish House, but it floated away. That fence is the boardwalk.

More Branson Landing.

Completely covering the boardwalk (you can't even see the fence from this side) and all the way up to the maintenance road.

The entire park is under water.

More pics from the car of the RV park by the bridge. Water is up to the road.

The fishing docks. Notice the two boats that floated away?
And thats all the pics I took. I'm actually really mad that I didn't take a picture of this business complex in Downtown Hollister. It was COMPLETELY under water and all those businesses are ruined right now. It's very sad.
Hey Hey.... I can't believe Branson has flooded this much. This is crazy! These pictures are amazing and so sad at the same time. Do you know how long it will take to get everything back to normal? BTW I love the new look to the blog and your baby counter. I never got to speak to you but we are so excited for your new little bun in the oven. That's so exciting and we can't wait to meet our new NIECE! I also love your Easter post with the baby birds... what a cool experience to have. Anyway we miss you guys so much. Keep posting.
Those are great pictures, but its sad so many things are runied, by the flood what happened to the rainbow???
You have a beautifu blog and a beautiful family. i love the music!! I just found it ramndomly but enjoyed it.
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