Well, it's getting to be that time of year where we start back up at work and we were really itching to have one last "fling" before we begin a long, crazy year. So....we took Mr. Taye Diggs and Miss Piggy's advice and we did the Disney Give A Day, Get A Day.
I made a bunch of blankets to be sent to Haiti (so mad at myself for not taking pictures because they turned out SO cute) and we found these amazingly CHEAP flights straight to Orlando. It ended up costing only $230 dollars TOTAL for all three of us to fly round trip. Isn't that crazy??? Meant to be, I guess!!!!
We stayed with our friends the Eichelbergers and while we were outside visiting and enjoying the WARM weather, I looked over at Kashton and saw this:
It totally occured to us that this was the first time our cute son had ever experienced SAND!!! Isn't that sad???? He LOVED it. Normally I would not have allow this....but...COME ON....FIRST TIME IN SAND!!!!!!!! So we let him play and get FILTHY and it was totally worth it. He had a blast!

We really spoiled him rotten...and I don't regret it. This is him riding on a little train. I felt like I was in tears the ENTIRE trip watching the joy on this little ones face as he experienced all this new, fun stuff.
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