On this day, two years ago, my sweet little boy was born at 9:14 AM and changed our lives forever!!
Kashton's due date was May 2 but on April 25th, I woke up that morning feeling a little different. I really couldn't explain how I felt. I felt like my pregnancy had finally caught up to me and I was tired and achy. I was working at a friend's cafe and had been there from 10:00 am until 5:00pm. I sat down alot that day, feeling much more tired than usual. As I was driving home from the cafe, I just KNEW that it was time even though I wasn't having any contractions. I called my mom and cried (because she wasn't with me) as I told her that I thought the baby was going to come.
We had plans that night to go with our friends to see the Polynesian show Island Fire that came to Branson. I had started having mild contractions right before the show. I kept having contractions about every 20 minutes but the nice thing is I was still able to still enjoy the show. I remember laughing ALOT and feeling uncomfortable at the same time.
We went home after the show and I just remember pacing back and forth in my living room because my back was starting to hurt really bad, I couldn't hold still. About 11:00 PM I was having contractions about every 5 min., so we decided to head to the hospital. Because it was my first baby and not knowing what to expect, I was so nervous that we were going to get to the hospital and they were going to think I was being ridiculous and send us back home. So we drove around Branson for a few minutes...meanwhile, Cameron was SPEEDING everywhere we drove. He wanted to get pulled over SO bad so that he could tell the cop that his wife was having a baby.
We arrived at the hospital at 11:30 PM and they admitted me immediately. I got hooked up and then began the wait. By 4:30 AM I was positive that I was going to die. I'd never felt so much pain in my entire life (and I handle pain very well). I was having contractions on top of each other. There was no break. My spine felt like it was LITERALLY going to snap in half. I knew at once: Back Labor.
I received an epidural around 4:45AM and at that point I felt a little bit of relief. However, it slowed down my contractions. In order to relieve the immense pain in my spine, they may have O.D.'d me with the epidural because I couldn't feel ANYTHING. So that at 7:00AM when they broke my water and told me it was time to push, I couldn't even feel anything TO push. I kept trying to push but nothing was happening. So they slowly shut off my epidural. The pain in my spine returned. However, despite some of the most intense pain I've ever had in all my life, my sweet little boy with the BIG head finally came into this world at 9:14AM. Yup, I sure did push for two MISERABLE hours!!!
When it was all said and done, the doctor told me that because of my scoliosis and crooked pelvis (which caused me to have to push while lying on my side instead of my back) and because of my tight muscles (because of my dancing), they were prepping a room for me to have a C-section but Kashton finally decided to come out on his own. I'm so grateful too (even if it was two hours later)!!! I really didn't want a C-section!! :) We were so grateful for a WONDERFUL and patient doctor.
I've never been so tired in all my life. I also learned that after a day of working in a cafe, and a night in labor...I really wish I would've taken a shower before going to the hospital, because this is the picture that I'll always have. Sweet beautiful baby and nasty, ugly, tired mommy!!! :)

The second time I've ever seen Cameron cry.

My sweet Super Baby!!

Kashton at one year old!!!
On his first birthday!!
The outfit he wore at his birthday party!!
And the EXACT same outfit one year later!!! Sheesh!!! When are you going to grow???
After nine months of horrible colic and acid reflux and an IMMENSE amount of patience on mommy's part :), We love our little boy and are SO glad to have him in our lives. He has blessed us and others in so many ways and we love him dearly!!!
Kashton Rane Hansen at Two Years Old
What a darling little boy, he is so sweet. I can't believe that it been two years, my how time flys.
Happy Birthday to your cutie. Time goes by so fast he will be 5 before you know it so enjoy him.
Don't worry Bessers! I've seen your hair look crazier in the morning-- hee hee hee ;)
You actually look quite adorable in this picture--sweaty hair and all! Kashton is lucky to have such a sweet, beautiful, and strong mommy (and the daddy's pretty cool too)
Dude. I haven't seen you guys in so long, I should be flogged for it. I'm diggin' your little guy. I wanna check you guys out in Branson.
-Steve Horne
Bethany - what a great posting - Happy Birthday (Belated) to my little nephew - there is something in the mail on it's way for him - I called my dad on Monday morning and I was like "Dad,am I crazy or is Kashton's birthday this week?" and he said, "It was yesterday" AHHHHHH - so sorry it's going to be late - we wish we could have been there to celebrate with you guys - we miss your little stud - give him a big kiss from me.
Precious!!! It's so fun to look back and see how the little ones have changed our lives and perspective! Man I wish you lived closer! Love you guys.
Awwwww! that's the sweetest post ever! Kashton is so adorable! and I can't believe you don't love that picture of yourself with him right after he was born, my first thought was it's not fair that someone can look so beautiful after going through all THAT!!!
Happy belated birthday Kashton! :)
I loved reading your story Beth!! Kashton is so so cute!! I can't beleive our babies are 2!! We need to get going on our second now huh? :) Miss ya!!
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