We didn't do a WHOLE lot on the holiday because we both had to work, but in between shows our company had a BBQ where our "Big Boss" was doing all the BBQ-ing. Kashton had a bite of his first whole hot dog and LOVED it. He kept trying to steal bites from both me and Cameron.
Living in a tourist town, we don't get to enjoy holidays as much because everyone has to work. We usually have to do all of our celebrating really late once all the shows are out. So, at 11:00 pm, I got Kashton out of bed and went to Bob's house. Cameron met us there at about 11:30 once his shows were over.
Sometimes we go down to the lake and meet Cameron in between shows. ( Anyone think that campground looks so beautiful and tempting that you're just DYING to come to Branson and camp....and visit me. Larsen Family Reunion, anyone??? :> ) We usually get to spend a little over an hour with Daddy. So we play on the swings...
I'm glad your kid gets to enjoy baths (green ones too). I gave up on baths long ago and as soon as my kids can stand they shower. I hate baths, all the splashing and somehow I end up soaked and always have to clean the bathroom afterwards...oh you'll learn. Just have a few more. Cute pictures. Love the faux-hawk.
Cute pictures of your little guy. That is awesome that he wasn't scared of the fireworks. This was the first year that she wasn't scared of them and she is almost 4!
Cute fun pictures, I would love to come there for the family reunion, but I think its proably a little far.. Love reading your blog.
I just can't get over how DANG CUTE Kashton is, he should be a baby model--seriously!! Looks like you have been busy and having lots of fun!!
Ok see the post above me?? For a minute I was so confused because I SERIOUSLY did not remember leaving a post yesterday...hahaha! Guess I need to remember I'm not the only "Angie" in the world lol. Anyhoo I love all the pictures of your month! Kashton is getting so big and is as cute as EVER! I also love the previous post full of stories about him! Next time you come home to visit you have to call me so Adam and Kashton can meet!
You have the cutest family and it looks like you had a great month. I would love to come visit maybe I can pry Ray away from the babies and we can come see you.
Hey there!! I'm back!! We went to Utah and Yellowstone for a couple weeks! We've had to post-pone our Branson trip... :( ...but we'll get there again sometime!!! They've started construction on our house, so we're going to have to stick around to make sure they do everything right!! :) Looks like you had a fun holiday!!! Glad to be able to catch up on everyone again!
Hi Bethany-
I can't remember if I have ever commented on your blog or not. I check in on it occasionally. Your family is darling. I send my love and greetings.
Hey! I haven't seen you guys in years! I found you thru Kelly's site. It looks like life is so good, and it is so pretty out there! Right now I feel like anywhere is better than Vegas, where we live and it is so .!$@$@ hot. Kashton looks just like Cameron, it is scary. I think we know a mutual friend. Tommy D'Amico. I don't know if he said anything, but he and I went to high school together, and I saw him last October at our 10 yr. reunion. Please tell him hi for me. He is great. TAke care, Bethany, look in on me sometime!
Nicole (Riding) Bell
This kid is too cute for words. I'm dying at how gorgeous he is! I love you guys... SO MUCH!
WHERE ARE YOU?????? Did you forget about the blogging world?? I miss ya girl, you need to POST POST POST!!
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