We didn't do a WHOLE lot on the holiday because we both had to work, but in between shows our company had a BBQ where our "Big Boss" was doing all the BBQ-ing. Kashton had a bite of his first whole hot dog and LOVED it. He kept trying to steal bites from both me and Cameron.
While Daddy was working, we played in the yard and enjoyed the sunshine. Kashton LOVES being outside.
Our good friends Bob and Lana Nichols always host a 4th of July celebration with fireworks after everyone gets off work.
Living in a tourist town, we don't get to enjoy holidays as much because everyone has to work. We usually have to do all of our celebrating really late once all the shows are out. So, at 11:00 pm, I got Kashton out of bed and went to Bob's house. Cameron met us there at about 11:30 once his shows were over.
Our good friends Bob and Lana Nichols always host a 4th of July celebration with fireworks after everyone gets off work.
Living in a tourist town, we don't get to enjoy holidays as much because everyone has to work. We usually have to do all of our celebrating really late once all the shows are out. So, at 11:00 pm, I got Kashton out of bed and went to Bob's house. Cameron met us there at about 11:30 once his shows were over.
Kashton actually did really well. He fussed only a little bit, but was mostly fascinated by all the colors in the sky. The big "booms" didn't seem to bother him too much. He was only a little scared at first, but got use to it.
Later in the month, Kashton discovered how to get into the "Lazy Susan" in the kitchen. I walked around the corner and this is what I found.
It was a little difficult teaching him that this was not a good idea because I thought it was so funny.
Sometimes we go down to the lake and meet Cameron in between shows. ( Anyone think that campground looks so beautiful and tempting that you're just DYING to come to Branson and camp....and visit me. Larsen Family Reunion, anyone??? :> ) We usually get to spend a little over an hour with Daddy. So we play on the swings...