Hey Everyone!!! Well, we've been a bit busy at our house for the last little while. I kinda got bit by the "redecorator bug" and felt like some rooms in my house really needed a face lift. We also had family coming to visit, so the face lifts needed to happen FAST so that everything was ready when family got here. I'll add those pictures later. I still have some finishing touches to add here and there.
We started out with mom and dad coming to visit. What a wonderful few days that was. Sadly, that was when we lost Uncle Reid, mom wasn't quite herself and their vacation was cut a little short so that they could get to the funeral. I was gratful that they made it to the funeral JUST in time, but so sad to see them leave so soon. I've heard her say my entire life that her brother was her best friend. I know it was hard for her to see him go. He was a great man and left behind a beautiful legacy and touched many lives. He will be missed.

Love you so much Mom and Dad! Thanks for being such awesome, fun, good people and good examples. Come back soon. (Mom needs to update her blog and then you can see more pictures of their vacation. I didn't have my camera with me most of the time but she had hers.)
After mom and dad left, Cameron's parents came into town the next day for a family reunion. We had a nice time visiting with the family that we haven't seen for a few years. We had a wonderful BBQ at our house. Kashton was such a big helper getting the yard ready and helping mommy plant flowers.

He is going to be such a wonderful helper. He tries so hard to do whatever me and Cameron are doing. Cameron was putting new rocks into the firepit in the backyard and Kashton helped place a little pebble here and there.

He LOVED digging in the dirt with the spade while I planted herbs. He got so dirty in the process. I never thought I would say that a dirty, muddy little boy was so cute. Can you believe that he even stayed tick and chiggar free?? YIPEE!!! Mommy and daddy were not so lucky. Daddy had to remove a tick from unmentionable areas.

Once family left, we were able to have some family time with just the three of us. We spent a few hours at Silver Dollar City and Kashton was able to ride some of the rides for the first time. He LOVED it. We'll be returning very soon.

I was busy planning a wonderful Baby Shower for my incredible friend Kelly who's having a little girl in about two months. Me, Mesa, and Tami had so much fun doing this together. This is Mesa, Tami (who's also pregnant), Kelly, and Me.

This is the quilt I made for Kelly. I had so much fun doing this, I'm ready to make another one. Anyone else having any babys and wants a quilt??

Kashton is almost 14 months old and is SO sweet. It was a difficult year with the colic which (by the way) was solved when he was eight months old. Poor little guy had such tummy troubles. We put him on Prevacid when he was 8 1/2 months old to help with his tummy. And he FINALLY rolled over when he was 9 mths old and started crawling a few days after that. Poor thing wouldn't ever roll over or lay on his tummy because it hurt him so bad. No wonder he cried so much. You would never know that he was ever cranky because he is so sweet and wonderful now. He has his moments. He doesn't really like to be held or cuddled. There is just WAY too much in the world to explore. There's no time for cuddling.
This picture: He found mommy's juice drink and got into it.

He so dang sweet, I just love him to pieces.

Carrying mom's juice drink around.
What a sweet little baby. I love his smile!! I feel ridiculous reading the blog and just smiling back at all the pictures while I read! Oh well, at least I'm at home so no one can see me grinning at the computer. We missed you at the reunion.
He is sooo cute! I love your hair color by the way!
He is the CUTEST little guy. I am so glad his little tumjy doesn't hurt anymore. It looks like you guys have been busy and having some fun. It was SO FUN reading your updated blog!! :)
What cute pictures, love seeing them all. Glad you had a good time with everyone. love ya
You should take some pictures of your house and post them. I would love to see it :)
What a cute little guy! I love his hair and cheeks. They grow so fast, not fair. We missed you guys at the reunion; hopefully you'll be able to make it next year. Love all your pictures!
Kashton is such a cutie pie! Looks like you guys have had lots of fun with family!! I love it when family visits!
Cute catch up!
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