Okay, so remember how I said I would have more time to Blog and I would catch up? Well, obviously I lied and I apologize. When I'm not doing a show, baking, or playing with my son, I've been out in my yard working (Are you proud of me Mom??). I love Spring.
Why has it taken SO long for me to post this blog??
I have been DESPERATLY trying to upload a video of Kashton eating his Birthday Cake...but, alas, I'm very technologically challenged. You will just have to settle for these pictures.
So, April 11th was Cameron's 29th Birthday. He doesn't really care for cake but his FAVORITE is cheesecake. So we had our friends Mark and Kelly over and Cam's brother Cory and his girlfriend came over. We ate a pot roast and veggies and cheesecake.
Yes, I'm a freaky mom!! Kashton still hasn't really had much sugar, so these cakes were very healthy!!
Kashton had a Superman cake and Parker had a Batman cake. Carrot cake made with wheat flour, wheat germ, and applesauce.
Me, Chesca, Kelly, Lana, and Kelly
We set the boys down to see who would race to their cakes first. Obviously, Parker won. Kashton is such an observer, he always watches Parker. "Uncle" Chip is helping Kashton. (He has alot of adopted aunts and uncles since he never can see his real ones.
Parker dove right into his cake, Kashton really wasn't sure about it.
Daddy had to help Kashton a little bit. Parker wanted his cake AND Kashton's too.
This is the video footage I wanted to show. Cameron helped Kashton with his cake and Kashton immediately started flinging his arm around trying to get the cake off of his hands. What a Priss!!! He didn't like getting dirty.
He just liked his Superman truck. He didn't really want to eat, let alone TOUCH the cake.
Our two kids are complete polar opposites. It's very fun to observe these two. Parker is pretty hyper and likes to get messy. He got his face right down into his cake.
Kashton likes to watch and observe. He's so proper.
Parker: Dirty, Manly-Man!!!
Kashton: Whoosy, Girly-Man (HA..just kidding!! I promise I wont give my son a complex)
After the two boys got a bath, we let them open presents from their adopted "aunts" and "uncles." Of course, the paper was FAR more exciting then the gift.
Thank you everyone for coming and celebrating this awesome day with our little Birthday Boy!
Birthdays are so fun!!! I thought Jake would totally attack his birthday cake too when he turned one, but he didn't even want to touch it! Love the pictures!
Oh my heck Beth!--He is SO CUTE!! Looks like he had a great birthday!!! Hope Cameron had a great day too!
Sounds like you are doing great! Are you happy to be performing again?!?! Kashton is a STUD!! Happy birthday to him!! Wish we could see him! Give him a kiss from us!
Happy Birthday! That's so crazy he is one!!! So cute. And congrats to you for making it through that first year - that can be a toughy!
I think I see more smiles than crying?????? Happy Birthday to both of you.
Happy Birthday Kashton!! What a little man, he is SO SO CUTE!! I miss you guys. How is performing again? I would love to come and see you!! Love ya.
Happy Birthday to both of you. Looks like you had a fun time. He is so darling, miss you.
happy 1sy birthday Kashton!! How funny brody has that exact same outfit! (the yellow shirt and blue and yeallow plaid shorts!!)
oops I mean Yellow!!!
Happy Birthday Kashton & Cameron! Braxton was totally the same with his cake....didn't want to get dirty. We had to smear it on his face to get him to notice it actually tasted good!!! Fun memories!!
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