We finally went and got Kashton's six month old pictures taken (even though he's almost 7 months). He was SO cute the entire time. I was very afraid that he would be in one of his fussy moods and I'd have a bunch of pictures of him crying. Kashton doesn't get to see Cameron very often because he works so hard, but I was grateful Cam was able to come with us. Like the song says, it's as if Kashton's always singing in his head "I'm so glad when Daddy comes home...." Cameron can always make him smile and laugh. So here is our absolutely adorable six month old!!!
I love his cute little newsboy hat. The picture of him in the suitcase with the newspaper is a favorite. It was difficult to get this shot because every shot was of him trying to eat the newspaper. It was very entertaining.

That's our sweet boy!!! I'm so grateful to FINALLY have some pictures of him. YAY!!!
those are such cute pictures. I did a suitcase one of Jake as a baby. It was our scholarly picture.
ohhhhh so stinkin cute! I love him grabbing his feet! I always wanted to do this but never did. oh well I can admire yours!
Oh Bethany! He's such a doll! Hopefully, I will be able to see him in real life sometime soon.
These are SO cute!! He's getting so big!
CUTE!!! I love this kid so much. If he's anything like his parents then he's one of the most amazing human beings on the planet! Love you guys!
What a cute boy. Our kids must get married!!! When are you coming to Utah? I must see you!!! CALL ME!!! OR ELSE!!!! :)
I love having Bethany and Kashton here with me. I feel like I have died and gone to heaven.
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