We had a wonderful Fourth of July weekend. Because Cameron and I work opposite work schedules, we don't get to spend much time together. Cameron took Saturday off of work and I took Sunday off and we ended up having an awesome weekend together. It's so nice to spend time with each other.
We rented a boat on Saturday and invited some friends to spend the day with us. It was a bit rainy, but we didn't mind. We still had a blast and Kashton was THRILLED. We feel so lucky to live by a huge lake that we get to enjoy any time we want.

Sweet Kelly and Macy!!!

Go Mark!!!

Me just goofing around. This all started out by me almost falling over and I lifted my leg up to help keep my balance. Once I got my balance, I decided to be silly. Cameron grabbed the camera and yelled "What else do you got???" So I showed him. :)

Taking Kashton for a little ride. He loved going on the tube.

Handsome Boys!!

Riding with Daddy!

Once we returned the boat we decided to go down to Branson Landing for dinner only to discover they were having a huge firework show. We decided to stay and enjoy it. We got some delicious take-out food from Waxy O'Sheas' Irish Pub (fish and chips and Scotch eggs...YUM), found a seat and sat for about an hour and a half. The firework show was amazing. We had so much fun. They began with some fireworks while they played the Star Spangled Banner!! This photo melted my heart.

Sunday evening we had some friends and neighbors over and we had our own firework show in our front yard. Sparklers are always a huge hit with the kids. Notice Kashton holding it away from him??? Last year a spark fell into his shoe and burned him REALLY bad (he still has a huge scar). He hasn't quite forgotten that. :)

Cute Anna!!! It was her first firwork show ever.

Amelia isn't sure what to think of those sparklers.


I LOVE this picture!!! She was a little scared.

Cameron helping Amelia shoot off a cannon!

Kashton had his hands over his ears the entire time.

Kashton's turn to shoot off the cannon.