In my previous post about Thanksgiving, I mentioned my parents came to visit. It was wonderful having them here for about a week. Here are just some random pictures.
I LOVE it when my dad comes to visit. He's such a Mr. Fix-it. Everything that doesn't work in my house, he always fixes. One day I came home from work and found my toilet sitting in my backyard, he's fixed my faucets, my vacuum, the plumbing, and my favorite was the three days he spent fixing an electrical problem. This time, he fixed my retarded door-knobs. My dad's AWESOME!!! Thanks dad!
We went for a beautiful walk. Kashton LOVES to walk Hershey our dog.
An Ozark Leaf!!
We played a round of golf. My parents use to take me golfing quite often when I was young. It's nice to be able to return the favor. We had a great time. I'm so glad that Cameron is starting to like this little sport that I've always enjoyed. Not fair that I've been playing so much longer than him but he can kick my butt.
Look at that form...
Kashton had so much fun and was such a good boy. He played in the golf cart with his sword almost the entire time.