Hey all!!
Again, I'm HORRIBLE at posting things. I'm so far behind that I could never catch-up.
I was talking to mom the other day and she was saying how she wished she could see the things we've been working on at our house. Mom hasn't been able to see our yard in the summer time...so this post is for you mom!!!!
Here is a portion of our new fence. Obviously it's not quite finished yet. But I wanted to show you what the terrible electric company did to our backyard.
In the Spring when the weather was still nice, I was going outside with Kashton EVERYDAY and we were having picnics out on the grass in the shade of our big tree!! It was SO nice.
Then the electric company (without asking our permission) just showed up in our backyard and started HACKING at the tree to cut it away from the powerlines. I was so mad that tears LITERALLY stung my eyes!!
So, here is our very sad and very ruined tree. Actually, it's more like a giant stick in the backyard now.
The roses wont grow as big and beautiful as they use to and they brown and wilt within a day. I use to be so proud of them.
Thyme, Rosemary, Oregano, Chives, Parsley, Mint, Basil, and Lavender!
A random collection of flowers. I've never been able to keep flowers alive in this bed before. I brought in a lot of fertilized soil and mulch. So far, so good. Still can't get anything to grow on that trellis though!!! It's as though the trellis is poisonous and kills everything that touches it!! (Besides the random thistle growing behind it....I should go out and pull it right now)
They're not thriving either. I had ONE big green tomatoe that I was keeping my eye on and of course....Parker pulled it off and bit it. :(
Another view of flower bed and fence!!
Two little tomatoes!! I'll try to keep these ones away from Parker!
My hybiscus!! Again, not thriving this year!!! You can see where the Japanese Beetles have attacked it too!!
My front porch. Put new cushions on the chairs this year.
The front yard is thriving much better than the backyard!!!
Look at the great job Cameron did on the porch. Powerwashed it down, re-painted it, and put those pretty tiles on it. He did such a good job!!!
My Hostas and impatients.
The retarded hydrangea bush that never blooms. But it keeps getting bigger each year.
Good Job Cam!!!
The window box!!
It's been raining alot and we havent mowed. :)
It's actually thriving his year for the first time, but we still can't seem to kill the stupid Yucca plant. I just keep digging it up every week.
The Crepe Myrtle. It's finally getting bigger!
YAY!!! We finally got a mailbox!!
For all you who've never seen my house (which is EVERYONE), we had a very sad, pathetic excuse for a mailbox...but not anymore. :) I was quite excited about this!!