Well, we realized that we no longer have a little baby boy anymore. We decided it was time for him to have his "big boy bed."
This was his last night in his crib. I just had to take a picture of him cuddling with Elmo, it was so cute.

Dismanteling the crib.

My big helper with the screwdriver. I promise we NORMALLY have clothing on him but he had been outside playing and was really hot and flushed. So I let him run around the house in his diaper. :)

The crib was put away and the toddler bed took it's place. He was SO excited about his "feshal" (special) bed.

Already trying out the springs. Look at that BIG TUMMY!!!

Getting ready to say his prayers. He's so cute!! He will kneel down on the floor with his arms on the bed and wait for mommy and daddy to join him. What a good example.

Trying out the bed for the first time.

Later that night, I again had to take his picture. I thought it was SO cute that he was holding both Elmo's and Mickey's hands.

He has been so proud of his Big Boy Bed. It took him a few days to realize that he can get out of it when he wakes up in the morning instead of crying until mommy or daddy comes and gets him. He didn't have a hard time adjusting either. He went right to sleep and never made a peep all night long and he hasn't (yet)rolled out of the bed onto the floor. :) What a Big Boy!!!!