These sweet little boys were born nine days apart and have been best little friends ever since. Recently we celebrated their SECOND birthdays together. There are alot of pictures so please be patient. :)
Best Friends!!! Kashton Rane and Parker Aiden
A few days before Kashton's birthday, we had a joint birthday party for both Kashton and Parker. These are their little cakes I made them.
They both LOVE watching the Little Einsteins together. So I made them a "Rocket" cake.
Me and Steve (Parker's daddy) blowing up balloons.

We played a fishing game where the kids put a fishing pole over a bedsheet and pulled out a prize.
Kashton got a fun little butterfly net.
We also had a Mickey piniata.

Probably the funnest thing was watching them eat their cakes. Neither one of them wanted to touch the cakes.

So then they decided to just use their mouths. :) It was very cute.

Then the boys opened some presents. Everyone was so kind to these sweet little boys. Thank you so much!!!

Hugs for Steve. Kashton loved his super cool "tunnel."
After the party, we flew Kashton's new kite. He LOVED it.

On Kashton's actual birthday (April 26) we had another little joint party. Our friend Patty's birthday is also on the 26th of April. She invited us over to her house for dinner and they were all so sweet. Kashton was spoiled by both Patty and Tom, as well as Johnnie and Ron Dobbins. They've kind of become adoptive grandparents. The Dobbins gave Kashton these cool glasses...
...and these awesome boots, as well as some fun gardening tools so that Kashton can help mommy out in the yard.
Getting kisses from "Gamma" Johnnie
Patty and Tom gave Kashton some cool swim trunks and a darling shirt that says "Daddy's my Hero."
Kashton was TOTALLY loving on Patty. It was the cutest thing I've ever seen him do. Patty got more kisses than I've ever received from him. I was quite jealous.

He even got his own little cupcake with two candles in it. He thought that was pretty cool.

Kashton recieved so many presents. It was better than Christmas morning. He opened presents from mommy and daddy, grandpa's and grandma's, aunts and uncles, and friends. He was SO spoiled. Thank you everyone. We took so many pictures. I'm only posting just a few so I hope no one is offended if you don't see your present in the pictures. There were just too many.