The first of October, we took some time off work (actually, Cam had vacation days) and we made a little trip to Denver, Colorado to visit our friends that we haven't seen in a while. We had SO much fun visiting with them all. We took SO many pictures and Eric and Sariah were so nice to send us home with a whole bunch of pictures as well. I couldn't put all of the pictures on might get bored looking at 100 pictures of us in Denver. :) However, here are just some of my favorites.
We went to Eldorado Springs and went hiking and played in the water.
We went to the Denver Aquarium and Kashton absolutely loved it. This is him and Cameron petting the sting rays.
All wet!
Petting more fish. I've never been to an aquarium where it's okay to touch the fish. It was kinda cool.

Sadly, we had a tragedy and Cameron lost his head.
Kashton was NOT amused.
Eric petting the fish. SLIMY!!!

This lady was cleaning a huge tank and Kashton was completely fascinated with her. We couldn't pull him away. He kept waving and pointing at her.
Playing Eric's piano. He takes after his daddy.