Okay, all you mom's out there. My little guy is having some bowel problems and my doctor wants to give him a prescription. I feel really uncomfortable giving my 6 month old a prescription drug. Do ANY of you have any recommendations that are a little safer...a little more natural? He is averaging a BM maybe once a week and it's SO sad. The weird thing is he still is mainly breastfed. Weird huh?? I feed him solids just once in the evening.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Posted by
8:57:00 AM
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Homeward Bound!!!
I'm just really excited to say that I'll be back in Utah around the 6th or 7th of December and I will be there for probably two months or so. My brother-in-law is flying out to Branson to hang out with us for a few days and then he's going to drive back with me. I'M SO EXCITED!!!! I miss Utah so much and I'm so excited to be there during the Holidays. I'm also THRILLED that my family will get to spend some time with Kashton and maybe he'll get to know them a little bit. It's been so hard being away and my little one doesn't even know his family.
And FYI, I also got offered a really fun job. I've been asked to choreograph the Christmas show for the Showboat Branson Belle this year. The nice thing is I don't have to be away from Kashton for too long and I'll make a little bit of much needed income in the process. What a blessing!!!
Posted by
12:35:00 PM
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
My Trans-Sexuality????
Weird title??? Weird story!!! I'm a swing for a show here in town that's called "Red, Hot, and Blue." For those of you who don't know what a "Swing" is. It's basically someone who covers a show for entertainers when they're unable to do it based on illness or vacation. The DIFFICULT thing about being a Swing is that you technically should know ALL the different parts of the show so you can cover ANYONE at any given time.
About two weeks ago I covered for a girl that went on vacation. Last week I received the phone call asking if I was available to cover for a different girl who was going on vacation. At first I panicked a little because I didn't know this girls part and I had only three days to learn it. When I showed up at the studio to rehearse a big dance number with the director of the show (who's also a performer in the show), he told me he didn't need me to cover for this girl anymore. He was able to get the other swing to do it who already knew the part. BUT he still needed me to do a few shows. Not to swing in for the girl but to swing in for HIM!!!!
Luckily, I didn't actually have to go out on stage and try to be him (thank the Lord). He was unable to find a guy to cover his part that could sing. The only guy that was available is just a dancer. So I was needed to sit backstage and sing with the men. I learned his part and sang it all an octave lower. This is probably the most unusual thing I've ever done in my professional life. Needless to say, I'm not use to singing that low and I started to lose my voice a little. Whoops!!!!
When I showed up to swing the last show, I was met with a few more surprises. One of the girls had an emergency and couldn't make it to the show. So I quickly found some spare costumes that fit me, a wig, and some make-up. Had to rehearse a few parts of the show that I've never done before. And was thrown to the wolves....not only covering the choreography for the missing girl, but still singing for the guy.
Oh, the stressful, anxiety-filled life of a Swing.
Posted by
9:23:00 AM
A Red-Neck Wedding Reception!!!
We have a good friend that got married recently. He was a fellow entertainer here in Branson but he moved to Tennessee last year to be with his fiance, and then returned to Minnesota for their wedding. All of his friends here in Branson were invited to Minnesota for the wedding, but sadly, given the schedules that entertainers have, this made it very difficult for any of us to travel up to Minnesota. So we decided to throw him our own wedding reception....BRANSON STYLE!!!!
Posted by
8:43:00 AM